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Air Source Heat Pump Faults and Repairs


Correct Pressure

Correct Glycol

Installer Settings

Flow Rates

Annual Service

Check List

Like any electronic device, your air source heat pump may eventually break down and stop working. If you notice any problems with the heat pump, then you may be tempted to get on the phone to your local contractor, and have someone come down and have a look at the machine. However, before you pick up the phone, there are a number of things that you can do to get the device working again without too much trouble. To save yourself some money, follow the troubleshooting tips below before you put your hand in your wallet.

No Heat

Perhaps the first sign that something is wrong with your air source heat pump is when it stops producing heat. If there is no production at all, then you may have a problem with the electricity supply or with the motor of the pump itself.

Lost Pressure

You may experience low pressure in the air source heat pump, which can be again caused by a lack of enough refrigerant, dirty air doctor even a leak within your system somewhere.


Pump Freezes

With your pump been outside, you may find that from time to time it becomes frozen during cold weather, and produces no heat. This can be a serious problem, as heat pumps are fragile, and the cold can cause them to crack below the layer of ice, and may also damage internal parts, leading to leaks.

Things to look for

Pipe Size
28mm Pipe.png
Correct Pump
Heat Pump Tank
Tank .jpg
Manufacture Controller
Controller .png
Magnetic Filter
Filter .jpg

All the above are very vital to how your system will run. If any of the above are incorrect then you could be spending a lot more money heating your home, make sure your system is checked and serviced at least once a year. If you have anything different to what is above installed within your home then please feel free to contact us on 01709 464983, where a member of our team will be happy to answer any question you may have.


What our customer said

Extremely happy with all work done by Eco. The workers were friendly, clean and polite. Would recommend to anyone. 

- Mrs Young 

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